EQQICTOP VSAM data set conversion program


With the EQQICTOP conversion program, you can migrate VSAM data sets from earlier releases of HCL Workload Automation for Z. You can also use the program to reverse the procedure in case you need to fall back to your old system.

The EQQJOBS program creates JCL tailored to your installation specifications in the EQQICNVS member.

EQQICTOP is controlled by CONVERT statements in the SYSIN file. You can supply any number of these statements to EQQICTOP.


2.1 AD
2.1 CP
2.1 CX
2.1 JS
2.1 LT
2.1 OI
2.1 RD
2.1 SI
2.1 ST
2.1 WS
2.1 XD
1 )  FROMREL (
2.1 TWSV9R5M0
1 )  TOREL (
2.1 TWSV9R5M0
1 )?  TRACE (
2.1! Y
2.1 N
1 )


FILE(file identifier)
Defines the data set to be converted. You can specify one of the following file identifiers on each CONVERT statement:
Application descriptions and JCL variable tables
The current plans, EQQCPnDS and EQQNCPDS
The current plan extension, EQQCXDS and EQQNCXDS
JCL repository and retrieved job logs
Long-term plan
Operator instructions
Special resource definitions
Side information file, ETT criteria and configuration information
Step awareness (only if the Step Awareness feature is active on the primary controller)
Workstation descriptions, calendars, and periods
Extended dependencies

Your conversion JCL should contain DD names EQQxxIN and EQQxxOUT for each data set that you want to convert, where xx is the file identifier.

FROMREL(product identifier)
Defines the product and release level of the input data set. You can specify one of the following:
HCL Workload Automation for Z Version 9 Release 5.
HCL Workload Automation for Z Version 10 Release 1.
TOREL(product identifier)
Defines the product and release level of the output data set. You can specify one of the following:
HCL Workload Automation for Z Version 9 Release 5.
HCL Workload Automation for Z Version 10 Release 1.
  1. Conversion stops if there is a VSAM I/O error on one of the files. One such error is a duplicate key on the output file. This can occur if the output data set is not empty.
  2. Migrate the currently active JCL-repository data set. You can check whether the primary or alternate data set is in use by selecting option 6 in the Query Current Plan dialog. Do this when no work is running and before you stop the controller.
  3. You can use one of two methods to convert the current plan:
    • If the last action performed on your production system was to extend or replan the current plan, use the new-current-plan data set that was created on this system as input to the conversion program. This is the preferred method as it ensures you will not lose any job-tracking records, this is relevant if you use the track log (EQQTROUT) as an audit trail.
    • If no error occurred when you stopped your production system, both primary and alternate current plans are the same. Use EQQCP1DS as input to the conversion program.
    In both cases, the output file must be the new-current-plan data set (EQQNCPDS) on your HCL Workload Automation for Z system.

    You can convert the current plan extension data set using the same methods. If the EQQCPIN DD card in the EQQICNVS conversion program refers to EQQNCPDS, the EQQCXIN DD card must refer to the corresponding EQQNCXDS created with the latest REPLAN or EXTEND job. If, instead, no REPLAN or EXTEND job was run before shutting down the system,the EQQCXIN DD card must refer to the latest EQQCXDS data set in use. In both cases, the EQQICNVS output file for CX must be the new-current-plan extension data set (EQQNCXDS) corresponding to the new-current-plan data set (EQQNCPDS).

  4. In addition to input and output DD names for each VSAM file, the migration JCL should also contain the EQQMLOG and EQQMLIB DD names. EQQMLOG is an output file for messages. EQQMLIB is an input file that contains the product message library.
Specifies if message:
         STATUS status
is to be issued in the message log of the migration job as each data set of the Application Description database is migrated to the new product release.
Set TRACE to N specifically to inhibit the issue of message EQQIC66I; otherwise, the message is written to the MLOG as part of the migration process.
Note: Specifying TRACE(Y), or not specifying it at all (the default), will cause one occurrence of message EQQIC66I to be issued for each processed application. Consider using TRACE(N) if you do not want this message to be issued in the batch output MLOG.