Data sets that you need to migrate

Allocate new VSAM data sets for HCL Workload Automation for Z. Existing data can then be migrated by using EQQICTOP. Keep a copy of the old data sets for backup and fallback purposes. The following data sets must be migrated to HCL Workload Automation for Z format:

Table 1. Data sets that you need to migrate
DD Name Description
EQQADDS Application descriptions and JCL variable tables.
EQQJSnDS JCL repository (currently active).
EQQLTDS Long-term plan.
EQQNCPDS, or EQQCPnDS The current plan, but use the NCP as input if a daily plan process created an NCP after the old system was shut down.
EQQNCXDS, or EQQCXDS The current plan extension, but use the NCX as input if a daily plan process created an NCX after the old system was shut down.
EQQOIDS Operator instructions.
EQQRDDS Special resource definitions.
EQQSIDS Side information, ETT criteria and configuration information.
EQQSTDS Step Awareness (only if the feature is active on the primary controller).
EQQWSDS Workstation descriptions, calendars, and periods.
EQQNXDDS and EQQXDnDS Extended data.