Managing selection rules

You can select and change the order of rules. You can also delete customized versions of selection rules and review version histories.

Reordering selection rules

About this task

Rule order is important because rules in the VersionVault configuration specification are processed in order. When you vary the order, version selection might be affected. Suppose a latest workspace rule is first. The subsequent rules are never used, because the workspace's latest rule always provides a match for every design element. Therefore, be sure that a custom library, cell, view, or hierarchy rule precedes the workspace rule.


  1. Select one or multiple items from the Rules pane.
  2. From the Navigate menu, change the position of the rules. You can also change rule positions by right-clicking the rules and making a selection in the menu that opens. You can also click the Rules Up Action and Rules Down Action icons Rules Up Action and Rules Down Action icons on the toolbar to change the rule order.

Copying and pasting selection rules

About this task

Copy and paste actions are available from the Edit menu and on the actions toolbar. You can also select rules and right-click them to open an actions menu.

You can select multiple items from the Rules pane and replace their existing rules with the previously copied rule by using the paste action.


  1. Select a single item from the Rules pane, and click Edit > Copy. Its version-selection rule is copied.
    Tip: The most recently copied rule, if any, is available on the banner of the editor window for your reference.
  2. Select one or multiple items from the Rules pane, and click Edit > Paste. This action replaces all existing rules in the selected items with the copied rule.

Deleting selection rules


You can remove customized versions of selection rules from the Rules pane. You cannot delete the rules that are delivered with the product.
  1. Select the rules to be deleted.
  2. From the menu bar, click Edit > Delete Rules.

Reviewing version history

About this task

With the History browser, as shown in the following illustration, you can review the entire version history and the labeling information for a library, cell, or cellview. You can also change version-selection rules. History browser


  1. In the Rules pane, select a design item.
  2. Right-click the selection, and from the menu, select Show History.
  3. Optional: Select either a version or a label that is associated with another design item; and then, replace the current version-selection rule with it or apply a time-based rule on the current version selector of the design.