HCL VersionVault integrations with vendor products

HCL VersionVault can be integrated with other vendor products.

For current information about HCL VersionVault integrations with which other vendor products, see the system requirements for the version of VersionVault that you have.

See also The UCM integration with HCL Compass.

On Windows and Linux
The following integration is supported on Windows and Linux x86:
HCL VersionVault integration with Jenkins
Beanbag Review Board
HCL VersionVault Explorer integration with Beanbag Review Board
On Windows only
The following integrations are supported on Windows only:
Apache NetBeans
HCL VersionVault integration with the Apache NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE)
Microsoft VS.NET
HCL VersionVault integration with the VS.NET development environment
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
HCL VersionVault integration with Microsoft Visual Studio Code
On Linux only
The following integration is supported on Linux x86 only:
Cadence Virtuoso
HCL VersionVault integration with the Cadence Virtuoso development environment