Integrating VersionVault with Cadence Virtuoso

Before you set up the HCL VersionVault integration with Cadence Virtuoso, review the following information.


Before users can start using the VersionVault Cadence Integration, the HCL VersionVault VOBs must be set up by the VersionVault administrators. The Cadence design libraries must be put under VersionVault version control so that they can be used by the designers to carry out VersionVault design management (DM) operations. The VersionVault DM system is named as "vvault".
Note: The VersionVault Administrator and the Cadence Virtuoso Administrator must carry out their respective parts of the following steps to integrate HCL VersionVault with Cadence Virtuoso.

Steps to be done by the VersionVault Administrator

  1. Create a Base VersionVault dynamic view (for example, cds_view).
  2. Create a VOB if none exists (for example, /vobs/cds_vob).
  3. Mount the VOB (for example, % cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob).
  4. Set the view (for example, % cleartool setview cds_view).

    In this example, there is a library called basic that needs to be managed under the HCL VersionVault Design Management System and that the current location of the library on the filesystem is /cdslib/basic.

  5. Make the library and its elements VersionVault elements.
    % clearfsimport -recurse /cdslib/basic /vobs/cds_vob/
    This step adds the basic library and all its cells, views, property files, and category files under the VersionVault Design Management System.
    Note: This is a one-time operation. It might require you to run cleartool protectvob and/or cleartool protect on the VOB and directory file elements to give appropriate permission to the users and groups.
  6. In addition, the VersionVault-Cadence integration supports atomic check-in of co-managed sets of design files. Its required that the VOB should be enabled to support atomic checkin.
    % cleartool protectvob [-atomic_checkin | -natomic_checkin]

    After HCL VersionVault is set up and libraries are put under VersionVault source control, the libraries must be configured so that the Cadence system recognizes that the libraries are under vvault DM system control.

  7. VersionVault-Cadence integration supports synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) in a MultiSite setup. SRFM allows a user to immediately check out a file or directory version even if the branch is mastered at another replica in the VOB family.
    Before users can start using SRFM, the HCL VersionVault VOBs must be set up by the VersionVault administrators.
    1. Install HCL VersionVault on every server machine that hosts VOBs that are to be available for SRFM.
    2. Enable SRFM in a replica to make the functionality available to users at that site. SRFM is enabled on a per VOB basis, and it must be enabled at every replica where the operation is to be supported.
      % cleartool protectvob [-srfm | -nsrfm] <VOBtag>
    3. Configure and enable reqmaster on every VOB where the mastership of files or directories is requested by SRFM.
    Steps to be done by the Cadence Virtuoso Administrator
  8. Edit cds.lib (if there is a centralized Cadence Virtuoso deployment used by group of users). Comment the existing entry for library basic and create a new entry so that it points to the HCL VersionVault location.
    #DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
    DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic
  9. Edit cdsinfo.tag inside the library (/vobs/cds_vob/basic/cdsinfo.tag) to enable DMTYPE vvault. If cdsinfo.tag does not exists, create it.

    Modify: DMTYPE none to DMTYPE vvault

  10. This is a mandatory step. Users must source the configuration script every time on a new shell. To start carrying out VersionVault DM operations, users must source the configuration file on the shell before launching the integration commands virtuoso/libManager
    • For bash and zsh

      % source /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/
      % source /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/

    • For ksh

      % . /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/
      % . /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/

    • For csh, tcsh

      % source /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/vvault_cds_init.csh
      % source /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/vvault_cds/vvault_cds_init_64bit.csh

  11. To open Virtuoso
    • For IC5141:
      % icfb &
    • For IC61:
      %  virtuoso  &