The Configuration Specification editor

Use the Configuration Specification editor to specify custom version-selection rules for designs and to configure your workspaces accordingly. Open the Configuration Specification editor from the VersionVault Config Spec Editor menu on the Cadence Library Manager's Design Manager menu.
The editor consists of two main elements: the Design Navigator pane and the Rules pane, as shown in the following illustration:Screen capture of the VersionVault Configuration Specification editor

Design Navigator

The Design Navigator displays your current workspace in a tree view. All the design libraries that VersionVault manages are listed under the Workspace node. You can select either an entire workspace or the libraries, cells, and cellviews to be configured with a custom version-selection rule.

Rules pane

New rules are added to the Rules pane as selected by the Latest rule, which is the default setting for the pane. These rules are available for further customization. You can edit the rules that filter the rule entries that are displayed in the Rules pane any time by selecting a criteria from the Rules field menu. The Rules pane displays the custom design rules in a table with these columns:
Displays either a design name, which is listed with a three-part name (for example, lib cell view) or as Workspace if the rule is for customizing an entire workspace.
Displays the rule's scope: a library, cell, view, workspace, or a hierarchy.
Displays the version-selection criteria that is associated with the entry.
Rule Details

Displays the exact rules to be written to the VersionVault configuration specification (CSPEC) file. This column is intended for advanced users who work with VersionVault CSPEC functions.