Scenario: Merging all changes made on a subbranch

The following scenario is an example of a situation that requires merging of all changes made on a subbranch. Merging all changes made on a subbranch is the simplest and most common scenario.

The figure shows merging all changes from a subbranch. The element opt.c has version 4 to 8 on the main branch, with branch r1_fix off version 4 that has versions 0 to 6. Versions 1 to 6 are being merged from the r1_fix branch as shown by a merge arrow to the checkout of version 8 on the main branch, which is the target version.

Bug fixes for an element named opt.c are being made on branch r1_fix, which was created at the baseline version RLS1.0 (\main\4 on the Windows® system or /main/4 on Linux or the UNIX® system). Now, all the changes made on the subbranch are to be incorporated into main, where a few new versions have been created in the meantime.

Task overview

Merging the changes from the r1_fix branch involves the following tasks:
  • Preparing a destination view

    The view must select the target version, which, in the figure, is opt.c@@/main/8.

  • Finding changes

    Use the Merge Manager or the cleartool findmerge -merge -gmerge command.

  • Merging changes

    Use Diff Merge to resolve any conflicting differences between merge contributors.

  • Testing and checking in merge results

    Test the merge results in the view you accessed. Then check in the target version (which contains the results of the merge).