Understanding the XML file to import exclusion rules

The XML file that can be used to import exclusion rules has certain tags that define the exclusion rules.

Tags in the XML file

The following table lists the tags in the XML file that can be used to import exclusion rules.

Table 1. Tags in the XML file
Tag Description
ruleName Name of the exclusion rule.
ruleDescription Description of the exclusion rule.
ruleStartDate Date on which the exclusion rule starts. The format of the date must be MM/DD/YYYY.
ruleStartTime Time at which the exclusion rule starts. The format of the time must be HH:MM:SS.
ruleEndDate Date on which the exclusion rule ends. The format of the date must be MM/DD/YYYY.
ruleEndTime Time at which the exclusion rule ends. The format of the time must be HH:MM:SS.
SchedulerID IDs of the scheduler on which the exclusion rule must be applied. Multiple scheduler task IDs can be specified.

The IDs of the scheduler tasks are available in the USCH_TASK table in the database.

ruleStatus Status of the exclusion rule. The value can be Enabled or Disabled.

By using the tags, you can define multiple exclusion rules. Reuse the rule tags and modify them as required to define multiple rules.