Example of the XML file to import exclusion rules

An example of the XML file that is used to import exclusion rules is provided for users to reuse the tags and modify the values to create a new XML file according to your requirements.

The following XML tags can be used to create an XML file to import exclusion rules.

		<ruleName>Rule1</ruleName><!-- specify rule name -->
		<ruleDescription>Rule for skipping 1/13 to 1/19.</ruleDescription><!-- specify rule description -->
		<ruleStartDate>1/13/2017</ruleStartDate><!-- specify exclusion start date. This should be of format MM/DD/YYYY -->
		<ruleStartTime>8:00:00</ruleStartTime><!-- specify exclusion start time. This should be of format HH:MM:SS-->
		<ruleEndDate>1/19/2017</ruleEndDate><!-- specify exclusion end date. This should be of format MM/DD/YYYY -->
		<ruleEndTime>18:15:00</ruleEndTime><!-- specify exclusion end time. This should be of format HH:MM:SS -->
			<SchedulerID>10</SchedulerID>	<!-- specify scheduler task Ids, on which this rule should get applied. This needs to be obtained from database. -->
		<ruleStatus>Enabled</ruleStatus> <!-- specify exclusion rule status. valid values Enabled/Disabled -->
		<ruleName>Rule2</ruleName><!-- specify rule name -->
		<ruleDescription>Rule for skipping 2/6 to 2/10</ruleDescription><!-- specify rule description -->
		<ruleStartDate>2/6/2017</ruleStartDate><!-- specify exclusion start date. This should be of format MM/DD/YYYY -->
		<ruleStartTime>00:00:00</ruleStartTime><!-- specify exclusion start time. This should be of format HH:MM:SS-->
		<ruleEndDate>2/10/2017</ruleEndDate><!-- specify exclusion end date. This should be of format MM/DD/YYYY -->
		<ruleEndTime>23:59:59</ruleEndTime><!-- specify exclusion end time. This should be of format HH:MM:SS -->
			<SchedulerID>45</SchedulerID>	<!-- specify scheduler task Ids, on which this rule should get applied. This needs to be obtained from database. -->
		<ruleStatus>Disabled</ruleStatus> <!-- specify exclusion rule status. valid values Enabled/Disabled -->