Configuring SSL in Marketing Platform with LDAP integration

Follow this procedure to configure SSL in Marketing Platform.


  1. Perform the procedure described in "Configuring SSL in Marketing Platform" if you have not done so already.
  2. Log in to HCL® EMM and click Settings > Configuration .

    The Configuration page appears.

  3. Navigate to the HCL EMM | HCL Marketing Platform | Security | Login Method details | LDAP category and set the value of the Require SSL for LDAP connection property to true.

    This setting requires Marketing Platform to connect to the LDAP server using SSL when users log in.

  4. Navigate to the HCL EMM | HCL Marketing Platform | Security | LDAP synchronization category and set the following values.
    • Set the value of the LDAP provider URL property to: ldaps://host.domain:SSL_Port


      • host is the name or IP address of the LDAP server
      • domain is the domain of the LDAP server
      • SSL_Port is the SSL port of the LDAP server.

      For example: ldaps://

      Note the ldaps in the URL.

      The default SSL port for LDAP servers is 636.

    • Set the value of the Require SSL for LDAP connection property to true.

      This setting requires Marketing Platform to connect to the LDAP server using SSL when it synchronizes with the LDAP server.