Single sign-on between HCL EMM and IBM Digital Analytics

If your organization uses IBM® Digital Analytics, you can enable single sign-on between Digital Analytics and HCL EMM.

Single sign-on allows users to navigate to Digital Analytics reports from within the HCL EMM user interface without being prompted to log in.

Also, if Digital Analytics reports are referenced in HCL EMM dashboards, single sign-on allows users to view these reports (if they have access to them in Digital Analytics).

Two options for enabling single sign-on between HCL EMM and IBM Digital Analytics

You can choose between two options for enabling single sign-on.

  • You can configure Digital Analytics to automatically create an Digital Analytics user account the first time an HCL EMM user navigates to Digital Analytics.

    You might want to choose this option if you want all of your HCL EMM users to have single sign-on with Digital Analytics.

  • You can configure HCL EMM user accounts for single sign-on by adding each user's existing Digital Analytics login name to his or her detail page in HCL EMM.

    When you choose this option, users who require access to Digital Analytics must have an Digital Analytics account.

    You might want to choose this option if you want a subset of your HCL EMM users to have single sign-on with Digital Analytics.

Permissions in Digital Analytics for single sign-on users

When the automatic account creation option is not selected in Digital Analytics, single sign-on users have the permissions in Digital Analytics that they would have if they log in to Digital Analytics directly.

When the automatic account creation option is selected in Digital Analytics, single sign-on users have permissions in Digital Analytics as follows.

  • By default, users have the permissions granted to the Digital Analytics group the administrator has configured for all automatically created users.

    Administrators can modify the permissions associated with this group.

  • In addition, the administrator can override automatic account creation for users who already have a Digital Analytics account. If the override is in place for a user, that user has the permissions he or she would have when he or she logs in to Digital Analytics directly.

Server clock coordination

The clock on the server on which Marketing Platform is deployed must match the time on the Digital Analytics server clock. For single sign-on, the Digital Analytics server allows for up to 15 minutes of difference (900 seconds) between server clock times.

As a best practice, you should synchronize server clocks. To ensure synchronization, you should use the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

If you cannot synchronize your server clock, and there might be at least 15 minutes of difference between the clocks, you can set the Clock skew adjustment (seconds) configuration property under the Coremetrics® category in Marketing Platform to a number that reflects the difference between the clocks.