Configuring SSL in Interact

You can configure SSL communication for Interact in three areas, although there is a significant performance cost if you do this.

About this task

The areas in that can use SSL are as follows.

  • Design environment as the client and Runtime environment as the server.

    Use https in the URL referencing the Interact runtime server. For example, set Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Interact | ServerGroups | [serverGroup] | instanceURLs | [instanceURL] | instanceURL to

  • Runtime environment as the client and Marketing Platform as the server.
  • Your touchpoint as the client and the Runtime environment as the server.

    Specify the HTTPS URL with the getInstance method. If using a load balancer, you might need to configure your load balancer for SSL as well.

  • if the Interact design server and Runtime server are on separate hosts using SSL, import the security certificates on the two servers to enable the SSL handshake to take place.
Important: There is a performance cost if you configure any part of Interact to communicate using SSL. HCL does not recommend configuring Interact to use SSL.