Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | timeout

The properties in this category specify the number of seconds an Campaign flowchart waits, after the user has disconnected and all runs have completed, before exiting, and the Campaign server process waits for a response from external servers before reporting an error.



The waitForGracefulDisconnect property specifies whether the Campaign server process continues to run until the user gracefully disconnects, or exits regardless of whether the user intended to disconnect.

If the value is yes, the default, the server process continues to run until it can determine that the user wants it to exit. This option prevents changes from being lost, but can result in server processes accumulating.

If the value is no, the server process shuts down and server processes are prevented from accumulating, but users can lose work if a network interruption occurs or if they do not follow the recommended sequence of actions to exit gracefully.

Default value


Valid Values




The urlRequestTimeout property specifies the number of seconds the Campaign server process waits for a response from external servers. Currently, this applies to requests to HCL® EMM servers and eMessage components that operate with Campaign.

If the Campaign server process does not receive a response within this period, a communication timeout error is reported.

Default value




The delayExitTimeout property specifies the number of seconds an Campaign flowchart waits, after the user has disconnected and all runs have completed, before exiting.

Setting this property to a non-0 value enables subsequent Campaign flowcharts to make use of existing instances rather than starting a new instance.

Default value