Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | eMessage | contactAndResponseHistTracking

Use the properties in this category to configure eMessage offer integration with HCLCampaign for the current partition.



Campaign uses its own ETL process to extract, transform, and load offer response data from the eMessage tracking tables into the Campaign contact and response history tables.

The ETL process coordinates information across the necessary tables, including UA_UsrResponseType (Campaign response types) and UA_RespTypeMapping (mapping of response types between Campaign and eMessage).

Setting the value to Yes ensures that information about eMessage offer contact and response history is coordinated between Campaign and eMessage. For example, email response data will be included in Campaign reports.

Note: You must also set Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | internal | eMessageInstalled to Yes for this partition or the ETL process will not run.
Tip: If you want to monitor the progress of the ETL, enable Campaign | monitoring | monitorEnabledForEmessage.
Default value


Valid values

Yes | No



Indicate whether the ETL process should run only once a day.

If the value is Yes: You must specify a startTime; the ETL job then runs until all of the records are processed; and the sleepIntervalInMinutes is ignored.

If the value is No: The ETL job starts as soon as the Campaign web server starts. The ETL job stops after all of the records are processed, then waits for the time specified by sleepIntervalInMinutes.

Default value


Valid values

Yes | No



The ETL process uses this parameter to fetch records that have been downloaded by the RCT into the local eMessage system tables. Because large values can impact performance, the list of available values is restricted to the valid values shown below. If you anticipate large volumes of records, adjust the batchSize together with the sleepIntervalInMinutes to process records at regular intervals.

Default value


Valid values

100 | 200 | 500 | 1000



Specify the interval in minutes between ETL jobs. This option determines the wait time after a job finishes. The ETL process waits for this duration before starting the next job. Multiple jobs can run synchronously and there may be multiple ETL jobs per partition.

If runOnceADay is Yes, you cannot set a sleep interval.

Default value


Valid values

Positive integers



Specify a time to start the ETL job. You must use the English locale format to specify the start time.

Default value

12:00:00 AM

Valid values

Any valid time in the format hh:mm:ss AM/PM



An optional executable or script file that is run after each ETL job is done. For example, you might want to be notified of the success or failure of each ETL job, for monitoring purposes. The notification script runs every time the ETL job for a given partition finishes running.

The parameters passed in to this script are fixed and cannot be changed. The following parameters can be used by the script:

  • etlStart: The start time of ETL in number of milliseconds.
  • etlEnd: The end time of ETL in number of milliseconds.
  • totalCHRecords: Total number of contact records processed.
  • totalRHRecords: Total number of response histroy records processed.
  • executionStatus: Execution status of the ETL with value 1 (failed) or 0 (succeeded).
Default value

No default value defined.

Valid values

Any valid path that the Campaign server can access with Read and Execute permissions. For example: D:\myscripts\scriptname.exe