Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | internal

Properties in this category specify integration settings and the internalID limits for the selected Campaign partition. If your Campaign installation has multiple partitions, set these properties for each partition that you want to affect.


Configuration category

The internalIdUpperLimit and internalIdLowerLimit properties constrain the Campaign internal IDs to be within the specified range. Note that the values are inclusive: that is, Campaign may use both the lower and upper limit.

Default value

0 (zero)


Configuration category

The internalIdUpperLimit and internalIdLowerLimit properties constrain the Campaign internal IDs to be within the specified range. The values are inclusive: that is, Campaign may use both the lower and upper limit. If Distributed Marketing is installed, set the value to 2147483647.

Default value



Configuration category

Indicates that eMessage is installed. When you select Yes, eMessage features are available in the Campaign interface.

The HCL installer sets this property to Yes for the default partition in your eMessage installation. For additional partitions where you installed eMessage, you must configure this property manually.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


Configuration category

After installing the Interact design environment, this configuration property should be set to Yes to enable the Interact design environment in Campaign.

If Interact is not installed, set to No. Setting this property to No does not remove Interact menus and options from the user interface. To remove menus and options, you must manually unregister Interact using the configTool utility.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


This property is applicable only if you installed Interact.


Configuration category

Enables integration with Marketing Operations for this partition, if the integration is enabled in the Platform configuration settings. For more information, see the HCLMarketing Operations and Campaign Integration Guide.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


Configuration category

For this partition, allows bottom-up cells for Target Cell Spreadsheets, if MO_UC_integration is enabled. When set to Yes, both top-down and bottom-up target cells are visible, but bottom-up target cells are read-only. For more information, see the HCLMarketing Operations and Campaign Integration Guide.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


Configuration category

For this partition, enables access to campaigns created before Marketing Operations and Campaign were integrated. Applies only if MO_UC_integration is set to Yes. Legacy campaigns also include campaigns created in Campaign 7.x and linked to Plan 7.x projects. For more information, see the HCLMarketing Operations and Campaign Integration Guide.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No

HCL Marketing Operations - Offer integration

Configuration category

Enables the ability to use Marketing Operations to perform offer lifecycle management tasks on this partition, if MO_UC_integration is enabled for this partition. Offer integration must be enabled in your Platform configuration settings. For more information, see the HCLMarketing Operations and Campaign Integration Guide.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


Configuration category

Enables Digital Analytics online segment integration for a Campaign partition. If you set this value to Yes, the Select process box in a flowchart provides the option to select Digital Analytics Segments as input. To configure the Digital Analytics integration for each partition, choose Settings > Configuration > Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Coremetrics.

Default value


Valid Values

Yes | No


Configuration category

This property is used when mapping a delimited file as a user table. It is also used by the Score process box when importing a score output file from IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition. To import or map a delimited file, Campaign needs to parse the file to identify the columns, data types (field types), and column widths (field lengths).

The default value of 100 means Campaign examines the first 50 and the last 50 line entries in the delimited file. Campaign then allocates the field length based on the largest value it finds within those entries. In most cases, the default value is sufficient to determine field lengths. However, in very large delimited files, a later field might exceed the estimated length that Campaign computes, which can cause an error during flowchart runtime. Therefore, if you are mapping a very large file, you can increase this value to make Campaign examine more line entries. For example, a value of 200 makes Campaign examine the first 100 line entries and the last 100 line entries of the file.

A value of 0 examines the entire file. Typically, this is necessary only if you are importing or mapping files that have variable data widths of fields which cannot be identified by reading the first and last few lines. Reading the entire file for extremely large files can increase the required processing time for table mapping and Score process box runs.

Default value
Valid Values

0 (all lines) or any positive integer