Importing the reports folder in Cognos Connection

The IBM® EMM application reports are in the compressed (.zip) file that the report package installer copied to the IBM Cognos® computer. You must import the compressed file in Cognos Connection.


Complete the following task to import the compressed file that contains reports to Cognos Connection:
  1. Browse to the Cognosnn directory under your report package installation on the IBMCognos computer, where nn indicates the version number.
  2. Copy the compressed reports archive file (for example Unica Reports for to the directory where your Cognos deployment archives are saved. In a distributed IBM Cognos environment, this is a location on the system running the Content Manager.

    The default location is the deployment directory under your IBM Cognos installation and it is specified in the Cognos Configuration tool that is installed with the Cognos Content Manager. For example: cognos\deployment.

  3. Locate the Cognosnn\ProductNameModel subdirectory under your report package installation on the Cognos computer.
  4. Copy the entire subdirectory to any place on the system running Cognos Framework Manager that Framework Manager has access to.
  5. Open Cognos Connection.
  6. From the Welcome page, click Administer Cognos Content.

    If your Welcome page is turned off, turn it back on in the Cognos Connection user preferences.

  7. Click the Configuration tab.
  8. Select Content Administration.
  9. Click the This image shows the New Import icon, which is a drum, open box, and star image. icon on the toolbar. (New Import) on the toolbar.
  10. Follow these guidelines as you step through the New Import Wizard:
    1. Select the reports archive that you copied in the previous procedure.
    2. In the Public folders content list, select all the options, including the package itself (the blue folder).
    3. If you do not want users to access the package and its entries yet, select Disable after import. Make this selection if you want to test the reports before you make them available to the IBM EMM application users.