Upgrading the 8.x or 9.x model and installing new reports

Upgrading the 8.x or 9.x model and installing the new reports are the first steps that you must complete to upgrade your reports.


Complete the following steps to upgrade the 8.x or 9.x model and install new reports:
  1. Browse to the Unica\ProductNameReportsPack\CognosN directory, where N is the version of your Cognos® installation.
  2. Copy the reports archive .zip file, for example Unica Reports for Campaign.zip, to the directory where your Cognos deployment archives are saved.

    The default location is the deployment directory under your IBM® Cognos installation and the directory is specified in the Cognos Configuration tool that is installed with the Cognos Content Manager, for example: cognos\deployment.

    In a distributed IBM Cognos environment, the directory is a location on the system that runs the Content Manager.

  3. Copy the pre-upgrade version of the Campaign model to a directory on the server where your Framework Manager is installed. If the Reports Pack installation directory and Framework Manager are on different servers, locate the upgraded cognos10\model directory under the Reports Pack installation directory and copy the appropriate upgrade.xml files to the directory on the server where Framework Manager is installed. Also copy the translation folder of upgraded model in the old model that is copied to the directory on the server where Framework Manager is installed. If prompted for replacement, click Yes.
  4. If the Reports Pack installation directory and Framework Manager are on different servers, locate the cognos10\model directory under the Reports Pack installation directory, and copy the appropriate upgrade.xml files to the server where your Framework Manager is installed.
  5. Copy the translation folder of the upgraded Campaign model in the old model that you copied to a directory on a server where your Framework Manager is installed. If you see a prompt for replacement, click Yes.
  6. If you did not install your IBM EMM product to the default C:\Unica directory on Windows™ you must update the upgrade scripts.

    In each script, edit the file paths that point to directories where the localized language versions of the models are stored to reflect your product installation location. Modify the file path in each script for every language that your users need. For example:


    The N in the path refers to the Cognos version number.

    The L in the path refers to one of the following language indicators:
    • fr
    • de
    • es
    • it
    • ja
    • ko
    • pt
    • ru
    • zh

    Edit the following upgrade scripts:

    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade8604to91.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade9102to911.xml (To upgrade from version 9.1.0.x.0.0 (x >= 2) and if you have not applied Reports Feature Pack 1)
    • upgrade910201to911.xml (To upgrade from version 9.1.0.x.0.1 (x >= 2) and if you have applied Reports Feature Pack 1)
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    Campaign with Marketing Operations
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade82to85.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml

    Marketing Operations

    • upgrade75to80.xml
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to82.xml
    • upgrade82to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90_DB2.xml (for DB2® database only)
    • upgrade86to90_Oracle.xml (for Oracle database only)
    • upgrade86to90_Sqlserver.xml (for SQL Server database only)
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
  7. Open Cognos Connection.
  8. Select Administer Cognos Content > Configuration > Content Administration.
  9. Click the New Import button on the toolbar and import the reports folder.
  10. Open Cognos Framework Manager and open the project for the version from which you are upgrading.
  11. Select Project > Run Script.
  12. Run the following scripts from the new version of your product:
    Note: You must consider the following points for the 8.x or 9.x version from which you are upgrading:
    • You do not have to run the scripts that refer to earlier versions. For example, if you are upgrading Campaign reports from version 8.5.0, you would not have to run the upgrade80to81.xml and upgrade81to85.xml scripts.
    • You must run the preUpgrade_86_fromanyversion.xml script for upgrades from all versions except 8.6.
    • You cannot upgrade reports from any source version to a destination version. For example, to upgrade reports from version 9.0.0 to version 9.1.1, you must first upgrade from version 9.0.0 to version 9.1, and then upgrade from version 9.1 to version 9.1.1.
    • Only for eMessage reports, you must upgrade from version or later to 9.1 directly.
    • preUpgrade_86_fromanyversion.xml
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade8604to91.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade9102to911.xml (To upgrade from version 9.1.0.x.0.0 (x >= 2) and if you have not applied Reports 9.1.0 Feature Pack 1)
    • upgrade910201to911.xml (To upgrade from version 9.1.0.x.0.1 (x >= 2) and if you have applied Reports 9.1.0 Feature Pack 1)
    • preUpgrade_86_fromanyversion.xml
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    • upgrade81to85.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    Campaign with Marketing Operations
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to82.xml
    • upgrade82to85.xml
    • upgrade86to90.xml
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml
    Marketing Operations
    • upgrade75to80.xml
    • upgrade80to81.xml
    • upgrade81to82.xml
    • upgrade82to85.xml
    • upgrade85to86.xml
    • upgrade86to90_DB2.xml (for DB2 database only)
    • upgrade86to90_Oracle.xml (for Oracle database only)
    • upgrade86to90_Sqlserver.xml (for SQL Server database only)
    • upgrade90to91.xml
    • upgrade91to911.xml

    All the scripts are in the ProductNameReportsPack\cognosN\ProductNameModel directory under your IBM EMM product installation, where N is the Cognos version number.

  13. If you are upgrading eMessage reports, complete the following steps:
    Note: If your database is DB2, change the statement termination character from ; (semicolon) to ! (exclamation point).
    1. Go to Campaign_ReportPack_Installer_Home\Cognos10\ emessage-ddl\DB Type\Upgrade.
    2. Run the following scripts in the sequence shown:
      • If you are upgrading from eMessage or later to eMessage 9.1:

        acer_tables_upgrade_dbname.sql. Search for the base version name and run the following script:

        -- Updates--

      • If you are upgrading from eMessage 9.0 or later to eMessage 9.1:
        • acer_tables_upgrade_dbname.sql. Search for the base version name and run the following script:

          --9.0.x Updates--

        • acer_indexes_upgrade_dbname.sql. Search for the base version name and run the following script:

          --9.0.x Updates--

      • If you are upgrading from eMessage 9.1.0.x.0.0 (x >= 0) to eMessage 9.1.1:

        acer_tables_upgrade_dbname.sql. Search for the base version name and run the following script:

        --9.1.0.x updates (Not applicable for 9.1.0 Feature Pack 1 upgrade)--

      Note: If you have applied 9.1.0 Feature Pack 1, you do not need to run table or index upgrade scripts.
    3. Go to Campaign_ReportPack_Installer_Home\Cognos10\emessage-ddl\DB Type and run the following script:


      Note: You must run the acer_scripts_dbname.sql script for a fresh installation of reports as well as an upgrade.
      Note: If you are using Microsoft™ SQL Server, you must drop the version's procedures before you complete this step.
    4. Use Run SQL Generator to generate report view scripts. For Microsoft SQL Server, generate views. For Oracle and IBM DB2, create materialized views.
    5. Run and schedule the stored procedures.
      Note: To ensure proper report performance, you must schedule the stored procedures to run regularly. For more information about eMessage stored procedures, see Running and scheduling stored procedures for eMessage.
  14. Publish the package to the Cognos content store.
  15. For all IBM EMM products, complete the following steps:
    1. Go to File > Report Package.
    2. Select the appropriate reports package according to your product and click OK.
    3. Complete prompts on the report as necessary.
    4. After the report is validated, click Close in the Validation Response window.
  16. Run a report to test your upgrade.