Localizing templates through the properties file

Export and edit the properties file to localize field values on templates.

About this task

You can only localize the following field names by editing the properties file.

  • Tabs tab: Display Name. In the program or project instance, the Display Name customizes the titles of forms on the Summary tab or more custom tabs.
  • Attachments tab: Name. In the program or project instance, Name localizes the names of the folders which organize attachments on the Attachments tab.
  • Custom Links tab: Display Name and Description. In the program or project instance, these fields describe custom links, which display on the Summary tab or new custom tabs.
Note: You can customize some other field values directly in the HCL® Marketing Operations user interface. For more information, see Globalizing standard attributes.


  1. Make a copy of the properties file.
  2. Change the name of the new file to <template_id>_<other_supported_locale>.properties.
  3. Edit the file to translate the value for each field and save the file.