Localized object types

To localize user interface labels and text strings for object types, you edit .xml and .properties files for the objects.

If your organization supports multiple locales, the user interface labels and text strings for marketing object types can be translated into the language of each locale. To localize these labels and text strings for your organization, you follow the procedure to rename an object type. You edit the sysmodules.xml, sysmenu.xml, and UMOConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties or UMOMktObjectConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties files for each supported locale.

  • For standard marketing object types, HCL® Marketing Operations supplies a properties file for each locale. This file contains a set of properties that define user interface labels and strings for each standard marketing object types. These files are the <MarketingOperations_Home>/messages/com/ibm/umo/ext/UMOConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties files.
  • The first time that you create a custom marketing object type, Marketing Operations creates another properties file for each locale. This file contains properties that define labels and strings for the custom marketing object type. Each time that you add a custom marketing object type, the system adds a set of properties for it to these files. These files are the <MarketingOperations_Home>/messages/com/ibm/umo/ext/UMOMktObjectConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties files.

In these files, the list parameters define labels and text strings for the page that displays when users select the menu item for the object type. The ui parameters define labels and text strings for the pages that display data for a single instance of that object type.

For example, for the project marketing object type, this parameter defines the label for the "Owner" column on the project list page:


In the English language properties file, the value for this parameter follows:


In the German language properties file it follows:


For more information, see Renaming marketing object types.