Results of importing teams

When you import metadata for teams, the import process compares the unique identifier of each selected team to the teams that exist on the target system. If a team does not exist on the target system, the import process creates it using the archive and then:

  • Checks security policy data in the archive against security policies that exist on the target system. Team-related data for security policies that exist are copied from the archive. If none of the security policies in the archive exist on the target system, the new team is assigned the default Global security policy.
  • Checks member data in the archive for members that exist on the target system. If members exist on the target system and meet definitions in the routing model, they are added to team. If any resulting members or managers do not meet the definitions of the routing model, the team is not imported.

For teams that do exist on the target system, the import process:

  • Overwrites values for the team, including the description, status, and skill sets.
  • Checks associated security policy data for security policies that exist on the target system. Team-related data for security policies that exist are copied from the archive. If none of the security policies in the archive exist on the target system, the team is assigned the default Global security policy.
  • Updates the routing model with data from the archive.
  • Checks member data in the archive for members that exist on the target system. Members associated with the team in the archive are added to the team if they exist on the target system. Members associated with the team on the target system are removed if they are not allocated to any task, approval, or project request and they are not present in the archive. If any resulting members or managers do not meet the definitions of the routing model, the team is not imported.

For all teams added or updated on the target system, the import process also:

  • Copies alerts and notification settings for each team to the target system.
  • Adds an entry to the Analysis tab for the team to record the update.