Results of importing security policies

When you import security policies, the import process compares the unique identifier of each selected policy to the policies that exist on the target system. If a security policy does not exist on the target system, the import process creates it with all of the object and template level permission settings in the archive. For security policies that do exist on the target system, the import process overwrites all values for the policy, removes all user roles and associations, and then copies all user roles from the archive to the target system.

For all security policies added or updated on the target system, the import process also:

  • Copies object-level function settings to the target system.
  • Checks associated template-level security policy settings in the archive against the templates on the target system, and copies template-level security policy settings for any project or component templates that exist.
  • Checks user data in the archive for users that exist on the target system, and copies user role assignments for users that exist.
  • Checks group data in the archive for groups that exist on the target system, and copies group visibility for roles for groups that exist.
  • Checks team data in the archive for teams that exist on the target system, and copies team visibility for roles for teams that exist.