Metrics properties

When adding or editing metrics, you supply values for the following fields.

Table 1. Metrics properties

A two-column table describing the properties of a metric.

Property Description
Internal Name The ID of the metric. Avoid spaces and special characters.

Metrics are sorted on the Metrics Templates page by this Internal Name.

When you identify a metric as computed in a metrics template, you use the internal name to identify each metric in the formula you supply.

Display Name The name of the metric when used in Marketing Operations.
Note: Limit this name to three 10-character words (or less). The display limit in metric rollup tables within Marketing Operations is 32 characters. For example, "Mailed Client Savings" displays in full, while "Savings Mailed to Prospective Clients" does not display completely.

You can translate the Display Name using properties files.

Description Descriptive text for the metric. This text is useful for determining the purpose of the metric.
Unit Type The type of metric. Choose from Number, Decimal, Percent, or Money.
Display Format How the metric appears on the Tracking tab for an object. Typically, the Display Format corresponds to the Unit Type. Select:
  • # - number or decimal
  • #% - percent
  • $# - money

    While you select $# when you define monetary metrics, users can enter values for the metric in the currency for their defined locale.

Precision The number of digits of precision, up to 9.

The precision controls the number of digits after the decimal point for the metric value.

Values are rounded using the "half-up" rule.

If the digit to the left of the discarded digit is odd, round up. If the digit to the left of the discarded digit is even, round down. For example:

  • 9/2=4.5 Since the number before 5 is 4 (even number), round down to 4.
  • 7/2=3.5 Since the number before 5 is 3 (odd number), round up to 4.