Metrics dimensions properties

When adding or editing metrics dimensions, you supply values for the following fields.

Table 1. Metrics dimensions properties

A two-column table describing the properties of a metrics dimension.

Property Description
Display Name The name of the dimension to be used in Marketing Operations. Appears as a column heading on the Tracking tab when users enter metrics for an object.

You can translate the Display Name using properties files.

Description Descriptive text for the dimension. This text is useful for determining the purpose of the dimension.
  • Actual: Use to capture metrics that are entered manually or loaded into Marketing Operations from Campaign or some other tracking software.
  • Target: Use to capture values for metrics that your organization uses for planning and setting targets. Target dimensions are the only dimensions that display in the wizards used to create objects.
  • Other: Use for any dimension that is not Actual and that you do not want to display in the wizards used to create objects.