Interact design time UI data cache

Interact Design Time has a lot of offers, offer lists, and segments and it uses them when defining Interact arbitration logic in Interact Design Time. To achieve a good User Experience, Interact Design Time builds a data cache containing all offers, offer lists, offer attributes, and segments in the server memory for each user session, at the same time an Interactive Channel gets loaded on the user interface. This avoids performance issues of loading data elements from the database, each time.

Design Time User Interface is configured to retrieve data from the cache. By default, a background process refreshes the cache (reloads it from the database) every 10 minutes. So, when you add or update offers, offer lists, or segments and immediately access the Strategy tab, you may not find the updated data. You can customize the cache refresh interval using the JVM parameter com.unicacorp.interact.cacheRefreshIntervalInMin.

Version 12.1.3 introduces a new button Refresh session cache in the Summary tab of Interactive Channel. Clicking the button refreshes the cache on-demand and the data changes you made is immediately visible on screen.

Currently, the data cache mechanisim is used in User Interface of Strategies, FlexOffer, and Triggered Actions.