Define dynamic learning attributes

To define dynamic learning attributes, you must populate the UACI_AttributeList table in the Learning data source.

All columns in this table have the type of varchar(64).

Column Description
AttributeName The name of the dynamic attribute upon which you want to learn. This value must be an actual value possible in the AttributeNameCol.
AttributeNameCol The fully qualified column name (hierarchical structure, starting from profile table) where the AttributeName can be found. This column name does not have to be a standard learning attribute.
AttributeValueCol The fully qualified column name (hierarchical structure, starting from profile table) where the associated value for the AttributeName can be found.

For example, consider the following profile table and its associated dimension table.

Table 1. MyProfileTable
VisitorID KeyField
1 Key1
2 Key2
3 Key3
4 Key4
Table 2. MyDimensionTable
KeyField CardType CardBalance
Key1 Gold Card 1000
Key2 Gold Card 9000
Key3 Bronze Card 1000
Key4 Bronze Card 9000

The following is a sample UACI_AttributeList table matching on card type and balance.

Table 3. UACI_AttributeList
AttributeName AttributeNameCol AttributeValueCol
Gold Card MyProfileTable.MyDimensionTable. CardType MyProfileTable.MyDimensionTable. CardBalance
Bronze Card MyProfileTable.MyDimensionTable. CardType MyProfileTable.MyDimensionTable. CardBalance