Ignore Offer Suppression

OfferSuppression for a session can be Ignored using the parameters below:

1. UACIIgnoreBlackList

TRUE – When we pass this parameter as true then all offers available in Black List table will be displayed/returned to user.

FALSE – When this is passed as false then all offer available in Black List table wont be displayed/returned to user

2. UACIIgnoreSuppressionRules

TRUE – When we pass this parameter as true then all suppressed offer on real time will be displayed/returned to user.

FALSE – When we pass this as false then all real time suppressed offer will not be displayed/returned as per rule.

If these parameters are not passed its by default considered as false.

The parameters affect only getOffers calls in that session. After the parameter is set, Interact does not check suppression rules while processing contact and response events, so a contact/response event can be posted to a suppressed offer.

Suppression rules defined on offers are triggered by users' real time activities.

The blacklist table means UACI_BlackList or its equivalent, depending on how customers name it, and ILPB can populate its contents.