To configure the Select process

Use an interactive flowchart in the Edit mode to configure the Select process.


  1. In an interactive flowchart in Edit mode, add a Select process to the flowchart workspace.
  2. Provide input to the Select process by connecting it to one or more data manipulation processes.

    Data manipulation processes include Decision, Interaction, Sample, or Select.

  3. Double-click the Select process.
  4. Select one or more source cells from the Input drop-down list.

    All output cells from any process that is connected to the Select process are listed in the drop-down list. To use more than one source cell, select the Multiple Cells option. If more than one source cell is selected, the same select actions are completed on each source cell.

  5. Determine whether you want to select all rows from the data source or whether you want to filter the rows that are based on specified criteria. Select one of the following options.
    1. Select All IDs to include all the rows of data from the data source in the Input drop-down list.
    2. Select IDs With to create a query to select only certain IDs based on criteria you define.
  6. If you use the Select IDs With option to select only certain IDs based on specified criteria, create a query.
  7. (Optional) Click the General tab to add a name and notes to the process or to configure the Output Cell name or Cell Code.

    The name is displayed on the process in the flowchart. The notes are displayed when you mouse of the process in a flowchart.

  8. Click OK.


The process is configured and appears enabled in the flowchart.