Fixed defects

The following table lists defects that are fixed in Interact 10.1.

Issue ID Description
DEF 226037 Offer suppression does not work for cross-session. After running a startSession and a getOffers call in one session, a new session with a postEvent call does not show the offer as suppressed.
DEF 244766 ActivityOrchestrator Gateway configuration path and timeout parameter details are incorrectly documented and have insufficient logging.
DEF 266175 An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception occurs during Event Pattern State merge due to edited Pattern definition.
DEF 196315 Cross Site Request Forgery [CSRF] attack in the application. CSRF is a social engineering attack where in the victim is already logged in to the application and is made to send request to the server without his knowledge.
DEF 206128 Users cannot right-click to open the menu in an Interactive flowchart if Cell report access is denied.
DEF 212780 In older versions of Campaign/Interact the UA_Calendar table supports dates through Dec 31, 2015.
DEF 218190 Offer constraints do not work when Interactive channel gets deployed.
DEF 218940 Only one segment is populated with all records when different segments are assigned to multiple "All Records" branches in decision process box.
DEF 220032 A race condition occurs due to which for a small percentage of transactions com.unicacorp.interact.session.SegmentationResultUtil times out while waiting for interactive flowcharts to complete during a getOffers call, even though the flowcharts have actually finished running. This results in no offers being presented.
DEF 223216 In certain scenarios, the Suppression rules for offers can be duplicated within the Deployment section of the Interact Administration page.
DEF 224517 Offers are suppressed when one offer is tied to a rule where the advanced rule for one is not satisfied and for one is.
DEF 226311 Offer suppression based on attributes does not work after the cache is cleared.
DEF 228593 If the Triggered Message feature is configured, the DispatchingCleaner thread in Interact runtime consumes 30% or more CPU utilization even if the Interact runtime does not receive any request from clients.
DEF 228759 Trace logging is not available for profile table validation.
DEF 230078 Performance issues occur for Interact High-performance Thread Monitoring Instrumentation for Event Patterns.
DEF 230187 REST API response contains corrupted HTML-escaped international characters instead of UTF-8 characters.
DEF 231286 A java.lang.IllegalStateException error occurs during Interact Longevity with no end session.
DEF 231557 The REST API startSession creates a new session with relyOnExistingSession=true but the session does not have any profile data, segmentation or offers.
DEF 231936 Additional logging and authentication override JVM parameter is added for Interact deployment issues.
DEF 235123 getlearningscore does not return the learning score.
DEF 237204 Check Syntax returns "Syntax Valid" when AND, OR or IN are missing from the expression.
DEF 238147 LDAP Authentication fails when attempting to deploy Interactive Channel on
DEF 240123 The Event pattern state ETL job fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException as a result of incorrect array bounds checking
DEF 240586 If an error occurs for the decision process box while evaluating the expression for one branch of non mutually exclusive branches, all the branch expressions are not evaluated.
DEF 241256 HTMI - ThreadDumpCountdown Support
DEF 241792 Interact deployment authentication fails even if the credentials are valid.
DEF 244002 GetOffers method might truncate values or return unexpected results if a "rule offer attribute override string" longer than 500 characters is used.
DEF 244176 Various issues for the Interact Diagnostics Servlet.
DEF 245000 NullPointerException in DefaultOffersManager. An error occurs when the audiencelevel column for an offer in UACI_DefaultOffers is NULL. After the fix additional logging is added.
DEF 245095 Offer Suppression - Event counters have incorrect data type conversions.
DEF 247312 An error occurs after the user applies a filter and then saves a strategy.
DEF238296 Learning transaction records are not generated during cross session response sessions
Learning Final Score Exceeded - Overflow Exception trying to bind 1.7976931348623157E308