Rollback to Previous Version

To Follow the below stepos to rollback the Unica application post upgrade to 12.1.x

  1. Take the backup of all the installed products database.
  2. Take the file system backup of all installed products.
  3. Search for .com.zerog.registry.xml file in your home location as well as on any other location and take a the backup of this file. This file maintains the registry of installed product, so while restoring 12.1 you will need this file to restore registry.
  4. Redeploy the 12.1 WAR of all the products on WebSphere application server once file system restored.
    1. Stop Product application, Kill ALL unica_acsvr processes.
      1. Un-deploy all the applications from WebSphere, and clear websphere cache.
      2. Stop all WebSphere servers, as well as the listeners.
      3. Restore the databases from the backups we had taken.
      4. Restore the Installation directories (/app/IBM/IMS) as well as the partition/partition1 directory.
      5. Restore the registry file .com.zerog.registry.xml on all servers.
      6. Start WebSphere, redeploy all applications, restart, clear cache.
    2. Find and rename below files:
      • unica_aclsnr.udb,,unica_tbmgr.cache,activeSession.udb