Procedure: Fast upgrade Unica Centralized Offer Management

To perform the fast upgrade of Unica Centralized Offer Management from version and to 12.1.1, perform the following steps.

Before you begin

Ensure that you complete the fast upgrade steps for Platform and Campaign before the Centralized Offer Management fast upgrade.

If you are planning to perform a fast upgrade and add new products like Unica Journey, Unica Centralized Offer Management, Unica Content Integration framework, Unica Insights, and Unica Deliver, to your existing Unica installation, you should first perform the fast upgrade of existing products. After upgrading the base version to 12.1.1, perform a clean installation of the new products.

About this task

  1. If you are using a custom offer code generator (other than uacoffercodegen that is bundled with the Centralized Offer Management product), copy these custom code generators, along with all the related DLLs / SOs / EXEs, etc, to the location <CentralizedOffer_Installation_path>/bin. .

    If you have configured a different location for the code generators at Affinium|Offer|partitions|partition<n>|offerCodeGenerator, place the code generators in the location configured at Affinium|Offer|partitions|partition<n>|offerCodeGenerator.

  2. If you have made the changes in the logging configuration, merge those changes over the new installation. Typically, it is located at - <CentralizedOffer_Installation_path>/conf/logging.
  3. If required, copy your previously generated log files to the new file system. Typically, it is located at - <CentralizedOffer_Installation_path>/logs.
  4. Navigate to <Platform_Installation_path>/tools/bin and execute below commands.
    • DBResourceBundle.bat(/sh) -P Offer -F <CentralizedOffer_Installation_path>/resourcebundles/com/unica/manager/configuration
    • configTool.bat(/sh) -d -p "Affinium|Offer|logging" -o
    • configTool.bat(/sh) -up -p "upgrade COM"