Procedure: Fast upgrade Unica Content Integration

To perform the fast upgrade of Unica Content Integration from version and, perform the following steps.

About this task

  1. Complete the fast upgrade procedure for Unica Platform and ensure that database is migrated to the new installation environment. This includes required admin configurations and user roles for Unica Content Integration.
  2. Customize the logging configurations as per the requirements or as per the existing setup in the following listed files.
    • {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/conf/logging/log4j.xml
    • {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/conf/logging/log4j2.xml

      If required, move all the logs from previous installation to the new installation location from below mentioned directory {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/logs.

  3. If any custom plugins were deployed for Content Integration in existing installation, follow the instructions given below to deploy those on new installation.
    1. Copy all custom plugin jars under {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/plugins/custom directory.
    2. Edit the {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/conf/plugin-services.yml file and add service declarations for all the custom plugins copied under aforementioned directory. Service declarations for existing custom plugins can be found inside META-INF/*-content-services.yml files within respective plugin jars.
      Note: Ensure that you only append the individual service declarations without top level “services” element.
    3. If any customization was made to the out of the box supported CMS plugin, ensure that you delete the corresponding default jar from {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/plugins/out-of-the-box directory to avoid potential runtime conflicts.
    Note: Any customization in {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/conf/i18n/*.properties files will no longer be supported from v12.1.1 onwards. Hence, this directory will not be present this release onwards.
  4. Execute the following commands
    • On Windows:
      • {PLATFORM_HOME}/tools/bin/DBResourceBundle.bat -P ContentIntegration -F {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/resourcebundles/com/unica/manager/configuration
    • On Unix:
      • {PLATFORM_HOME}/tools/bin/ -P ContentIntegration -F {PLATFORM_HOME}/AssetPicker/resourcebundles/com/unica/manager/configuration