Procedure: Fast Upgrade Contact Central

About this task

Contact Central is available from version 12.1.2 and higher.
Note: Contact Central supports Websphere and Tomcat application servers and OneDB and Oracle databases.

To perform the fast upgrade of Contact Central, complete the following steps.


  1. Navigate to <UNICA_PLATFORM_HOME>/tools/bin directory.
  2. Execute the following commands.
    1. ./ -n ContactCentral

    2. ./ -r ContactCentral -f <UNICA_PLATFORM_HOME>/ContactCentral/ContactCentral_configuration.xml

    3. ./ -vp -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu" -f <UNICA_PLATFORM_HOME>/ContactCentral/ContactCentral_navigation.xml

    4. ./ -vp -p "Affinium|suite|security|apiSecurity" -f <UNICA_PLATFORM_HOME>/ContactCentral/ContactCentral_API.xml

  3. Run the following SQLs as per your selected database located at

    <Installation directory>\Platform\ContactCentral\ddl.

    1. onedb.sql
    2. ora.sql