The listmanager_searchScreens.xml file

You can use the listmanager_searchScreens.xml file to customize list search pages. The listmanager_searchScreens.xml file contains criteria and result fields. Criteria is a search criteria while result field contains searching result sets.

The listmanager_searchScreens.xml file defines:

  • The criteria fields
  • The displayed result fields

You can define several search screens that are based on different audiences, different criteria, and searching results to be used in Distributed Marketing When the field marketers use search, the screen appearance is based on the audience levels configured the listmanager_searchScreens.xml file. If the various screens are based on the same audience level, the field marketer can choose from the various predefined searches. For example, you can create a basic search that contains only name and address, then an advanced search, which contains name, address, income, and account activity.

You can choose not to define a search screen for the described audience level to prevent adding people to the List Manager for a campaign or List. The field marketers would not be able to add a contact that is based on that audience level because no search screen is defined.

Following are descriptions of each element and subelement and their related attributes.

listmanager_searchScreens.xml contains several SearchScreen elements. Each of these sets up a multi criteria searches screen criteria and result set. This element contains the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the screen.
  • AudienceLevel: The audience level the search screens are based on. The AudienceLevel is defined in the listmanager_searchScreens.xml file.
  • Label: The label of the column header.
  • MultiSelect: If set to true, you can select more than one element in the final list. If set to false, you can select only one element in the final list.
  • Datasource: The name of the data source that is used to access the table from the customer database.

For example:

<SearchScreen Name="default_indiv_search" AudienceLevel="Individual"
	Label="default_indiv_search" MultiSelect="true" 

Each SearchScreen tag has the following structure:

<SearchScreen ... >
 <Criteria ... >
  <Field ... >
   <Lookup ... />
  <Field ... />
 <Result ... >
  <Field ... />
  <Order ... />


The Criteria element specifies the search criteria. It contains the Field element, which describes the search criteria fields.


The Field element contains the following attributes:

  • Table: The table on which the search is based.
  • Column: The column on which the search is based.
  • Label: The descriptor that is displayed on the screen for the criteria. It is a tag that is replaced by globalized descriptor that is contained in each resource bundle file.
  • Operator: The type of operation. The valid values are =, like, <, >, <=, >=, <>.
  • Default: The optional default value. It can be set to @userlogin and replaced by the user login at execution.
  • Order: The display order of the criteria on the screen.
  • Long: (Optional) The length of the criteria value. If not specified, the criteria takes the value that is defined in the attribute length of the table's column in the listmanager_tables.xml file.
  • Minimallength: (Optional) The minimal number of characters of the criteria value.
  • Case: (Optional) The case of the criteria value. The valid values are Lower or Upper.
  • Displayed: (Optional) whether the criteria is displayed or hidden. The valid values are true or false.

For example:

<Field Table="v_indiv_contact" Column="username" Label="username" 
	Operator="=" Displayed="false" Default="@userlogin" Order="5"/>

A Field element can contain a Lookup element. The Lookup element specifies how to populate a list box criteria. The Lookup element contains the following attributes:

  • Table: The table that is containing the data of the list.
  • Id: The ID column that is containing the data of the list.
  • Desc: A description of the list.
  • Where: (Optional) you can filter the values according to a Where clause.
  • Display: (Optional) Specifies what is displayed in the list box: the code and the description. The values can be: id, desc, id : desc, or desc : id.

For example:

<Lookup Table="lkp_region" Id="Region_id" Desc="Region"
Where="" Display="desc"/>


The Result element specifies the searching result sets. It contains Field and Order elements.


The Field element specifies the displayed result fields. Field contains the following attributes:

  • Table: The table that is containing the searching results.
  • Column: The column that is containing the searching results.
  • Label: The descriptor that is displayed on the header of the result list.
  • Format: The format (such as code and description) to display in the list box criteria in the case of a column that has a relationship with a lookup table. The value can be code, label, code : label,, or label : code.

For example:

<Field Table="v_indiv_contact" Column="Indiv_ID" Label="indiv_id"/>


The Order element specifies the displayed sorting column for the result records. Order contains the following attributes:

  • Table: The table of the column on which the records are sorted.
  • Column: The columns on which the records are sorted.
  • Type: The sorting order. The valid values are ASC or DESC.

For example:

<Order Table="v_indiv_contact" Column="Last_Name" Type="ASC"/>