View List and Search List pages

You can configure the View List and Search List pages to enable field marketers to review lists. To configure the View List and Search List pages, modify the ViewList and SearchList configuration files.

The following guidelines describe the general changes that you must make to theViewList and SearchList configuration files.

Note: If no search screen is configured for an audience level, users cannot add records when you review a list for this audience level, and the Add Records link is disabled.

Configuring the database connection

Edit the listmanager_tables.xml file, which is in the conf directory under your Distributed Marketing installation, as follows:

  • Define the data source that is containing your customer tables.
  • Define the tables that you want to access.
  • Define the columns in the tables that you want to display on the View List page.
Note: There is only one copy of listmanager_tables.xml, and it defines the columns that are used in view list and search list screens. Configure the listmanager_tables.xml appropriately for both the listmanager_list.xml and listmanager_searchScreens.xml files.

Configuring the View List page

Edit the listmanager_list.xml file, in the conf directory under your Distributed Marketing installation, as follows:

  • Define the type of data views with the List element.
  • Define the data that is displayed in each view.
  • Define the sort order of each view.
  • Define an application to display customer details.

Configuring the List Search page

Edit the listmanager_searchScreens.xml file, which is in the conf directory under your Distributed Marketing installation, as follows:

  • Define the available search criteria.
  • Define the way Distributed Marketing displays the results.