The Audience process

Audience levels define the target entity that you want to work with, such as account, customer, household, product, or business division. Use the Audience process in a flowchart to switch between audience levels or to filter out IDs by audience level.

Audience levels are defined by an administrator during the table mapping process. When you use the Audience process in a flowchart, you can specify which audience levels you want to target in your campaign. For example, you can configure the Audience process to:

  • Select one customer per household based on some business rule (for example, oldest male or the person with the highest account balance);
  • Select all accounts belonging to a particular set of customers;
  • Select all accounts with a negative balance belonging to a particular set of customers;
  • Select all households with individuals holding checking accounts;
  • Select customers with three or more purchases within a specified time-frame.

The Audience process can select from any defined table(s), so you can use it as a top-level process in your flowchart to initially select data.

To use the Audience process, you must work with tables for which multiple audience levels are defined. These levels, defined within a single table, provide a relationship to "translate" from one level to another.

  • One key is defined as the "primary" or "default" key for the table. (This key represents the audience used most frequently for this data source.) The default level associated with a table is specified during the table mapping process. For more information about mapping tables, see the Campaign Administrator's Guide.
  • The other keys are "alternate" keys that are available for switching audience levels.

After you switch audience levels, Campaign displays only those tables whose default key is defined at the same audience level. If you work at different audience levels on a regular basis, you might need to map the same table more than once within Campaign, each time with a different primary/default key.