How to verify that Opportunity Detect services are running

Symptoms: When deployment runs fail, a good first step is to verify that all the required services are running.

Resolution: To verify that the Streams Remote Control, Interact Design, and Real Time Connector services are running, point your browser to the following URLs.
  1. Streams Remote Control: http://HOST_NAME:8080/axis2/services/RemoteControl?wsdl, where HOST_NAME is the runtime server name.

    An XML page should be displayed.

  2. Interact Design: http://HOST_NAME:8181/axis2/services/InteractDesignService?wsdl, where HOST_NAME is the design time server name.

    An XML page should be displayed.

  3. Real Time Connector: http://HOST_NAME:8282/servlets/StreamServlet?command=ping, where HOST_NAME is the runtime server name.

    An OK message should be displayed.