Real time processing in Opportunity Detect

The type of data source connectors that you use for your workspace determines whether it is processed in batch or real time mode. For real time mode, use a Queue or Web Service type of data source connector for transaction and Outcome data.

Data source connectors are mapped to data sources in two places. The default mappings are set when a server group is configured. However, these mappings are commonly changed when a deployment is configured.

Queue connectors allow Opportunity Detect to operate with either the IBM WebSphere or Active MQ queue server.

Consider the following points when you are deciding whether to use queue connectors or the Web Service connector.

  • The Queue type of connector retains messages in the event of a network or machine failure, or if you deploy a new version of a configuration deployment. In contrast, the Web Service drops messages in those cases.
  • Queues handle spikes in demand more efficiently than the Web Service does.
  • Both choices require some development and IT effort on the part of your organization.
    • To use the Web Service data source connector, your organization must develop code to receive and send the transaction and Outcome data. This is described in Web Service connectors for input and output in Opportunity Detect.
    • To use the queue data source connector, your organization must develop code to send the transaction data, and you must install and maintain a queue server.