Fields on the queue connector panel

If you are unsure of how to complete the fields on the queue connector panel, use the information provided here.

Table 1. Fields on the queue connector panel
Field Description
Name A descriptive name for the queue connector.
Queue type Select the type of queue server you are using: Active MQ or Websphere MQ.
Queue Name Name of the queue as configured on the queue server.
Connection URL An example value appropriate for the queue type you selected is provided.
Connection Factory An example value appropriate for the queue type you selected is provided.
Connection Factory Identifier An example value appropriate for the queue type you selected is provided.
User Id The user name for the account that the system uses to access the queue server.
Password The password for the account that the system uses to access the queue server.
Confirm Password The password for the account that the system uses to access the queue server. Active MQ only.
Description A description for this queue connector.
Sharable Select this checkbox if you want to be able to use this queue connector on more than one server group.