Fields and buttons in the Workspace List

In the Workspace List, you can create, delete, and modify the basic properties of workspaces.

Workspace validation occurs automatically when a you select a workspace in the workspace list, when you save, delete, or paste components into a workspace, and when you deploy a workspace. Only valid workspaces can be deployed.

When you navigate to the Workspace Manager, the last workspace you viewed in a previous session is automatically selected.

Table 1. Fields and buttons in the Workspace List
Field or button Description

Favorite workspaces folder

Lists workspaces you have added using the Add workspace to favorites button.

Most recent workspaces folder

When you first open the Workspace Manager, this folder lists the five most recently viewed workspaces. During a session, all of the workspaces you view during that session are listed.

Deployed workspaces folder

Lists workspaces that have been successfully deployed.

All workspaces folder

Lists all workspaces in the system.

Add Workspace

Click to open the New Workspace window, where you can specify the general properties of a new workspace. Clicking OK in this window creates the workspace and adds it to the All Workspaces folder in the Workspace List.

Edit Workspace

Click to open the Edit Workspace window, where you can modify the general properties of the selected workspace.

Delete Workspace

Click to delete the selected workspace.

Add workspace to favorites

Click to add a selected workspace to the Favorites folder.

Remove workspace from favorites

Click to remove a selected workspace from the Favorites folder.

Refresh the workspace view

Click to update the list of workspaces, including the validation and deployment status.
Workspace status icons
  • The workspace is valid.
  • The workspace is not valid.
  • The workspace was modified after it was deployed.

    Workspaces that are modified after they are deployed must be deployed again for the changes to go into effect when processing transactions.

    For example, if a referenced component is changed, all of the instances of that component also change, and this could affect a deployed workspace.

Fields in the New Workspace and Edit Workspace windows
Name The name of the workspace
Description A description of the workspace.
Origin Indicates whether the workspace was created by a user or by the system. A workspace can be created by the system when Opportunity Detect is integrated with Interact. Read only.
Date Created Date when the workspace was created. Read only.
Date Modified Date when the workspace was most recently modified. Read only.
Date Deployed Date when the workspace was most recently deployed. Read only.
Status Whether the workspace is valid, not valid, or modified after it was deployed. Read only.