About zones in templates

Template designers can define areas in the template that allow email marketers working in the Deliver Message Editor to drag elements from the Content Library or the widget toolbar and into the defined area. The defined areas are called zones. When the email or landing page opens, content added by the marketer to the zone displays to the email recipient. Marketers can add multiple content elements to zones and define personalization rules to selectively display content according to criteria specified in the rule.

Template designers can incorporate zone in templates created for text-only email, as well as HTML email.

Zones must be of a size and style that can accept the content that marketers anticipate using. For details about how to define zones in a template, see Zones for email and landing page templates.

Areas in the document outside of zones are static. The HTML code in the template defines their content and structure. However, marketers can use the Deliver Message Editor to edit the HTML.