Rule Editor: text mode

Unica Deliver provides a text-based editor to create and edit personalization rules. In the Rules Spreadsheet, you can access the text-based rules editor as an inline editor in each row of the spreadsheet.

Deliver provides several ways to access the text-only Rule Editor.

  • Right-click the current content in a zone and select Edit rule to display the Rule Editor. Select the Text editor.
  • Double-click the zone to display the Personalized content window. The text version of the rule displays in the bottom of the window. Click Edit rule Edit rule icon in the Personalized Content window to open the Rule Editor. Select the Text editor.
  • Right-click a row in the Rules Spreadsheet to access the inline rules editor, which always provides a text view.

In the text view of the Rule Editor, manually enter personalization fields, numerical and text values, and operators to build the rules you need. Use parentheses to create groups within rules.