Managing personalization with the Rules Spreadsheet

Unica Deliver provides the Rules Spreadsheet as a single interface to manage all zones, personalization rules, and content in a document.

The Rules Spreadsheet presents information about zones, rules, and content elements in a spreadsheet format. Each row describes a single content element, including the attached file, assigned personalization rules, and the zone that contains the content element. You manage personalized content in the document with simple spreadsheet functions. To change how personalized content displays in the document, you can move rows within the spreadsheet, copy and paste rows and cells, and make inline edits to cell contents.

The Rules Spreadsheet provides various ways to manage how you personalize email and landing pages.

In the spreadsheet, you can view rule information by zone or by rule. Viewing by zone assignment lists zones and their rule assignments alphabetically. When you view by rule, zones are listed according to the personalization rules assigned within the zones.

For text-only email, you can use the Rules Spreadsheet to view and manage personalization rules that you applied to the text version.