Minimum constraints

Unica Optimize handles minimum constraints differently depending on the type of rule in which the constraints are used.

In capacity rules, for example, Min/Max # Offers, Unica Optimize gives as many offers as possible. The following scenario is an example of this. You have an input cell 1 that contains 100,000 contact IDs, which are all 100,000 distinct audience IDs. Offer 1 is assigned to input cell 1. You also have input cell 2 that contains one contact ID, and the audience ID is not in input cell 1. Offer 2 is assigned to input cell 2. The one capacity rule sets the minimum number of offers to 1, and the minimum number of contact ID is set to 100,000. However, it might not be possible to achieve the minimum. For example, if you have a rule that says a minimum of 10,000 of offer X must be given out, there might be fewer than 10,000 proposed offer X in the PCT. Even if there are over 10,000 instances of offer X in the PCT, it might not be possible to give all of them out as they might conflict with offers those individuals might receive.

In For Each Customer rules, Unica Optimize gives out the minimum number of an offer or it does not give out any offers to that recipient. For example, you have a rule that says a minimum of six offers for each customer. CustomerX is only eligible for five. Therefore, Unica Optimize does not propose any offers for customerX.

If an optimization session does not meet a minimum, you can either:

  • Expand the number of relevant proposed contacts that are included in the Unica Optimize session.
  • Examine the other rules in the Unica Optimize session to see whether they are too restrictive.