Configuring operational monitoring

You must configure monitoring appropriately for your environment, including setting parameters for how long monitoring information is stored and displayed for historical flowchart runs. Additionally, ensure that security permissions are set appropriately.


  1. Choose Settings > Configuration.
  2. Open the Campaign | monitoring category and set the properties.
  3. Ensure that security permissions are set appropriately for users:
    • To view the All monitored runs page, users must have the Access monitoring page or Perform monitoring tasks permission.
    • Only users with Perform monitoring tasks permission are allowed to suspend, resume, or stop flowchart runs. This permission allows users to control all displayed flowcharts, regardless of the normal access rights the user has for each individual flowchart. Do not give this permission to users unless you intend to give them the right to suspend, resume, and stop any running flowchart.
    For more information, see the Unica Platform Administrator's Guide.