Searching for offers with Advanced Search

With the Advanced Search option, you define a query to find the offers that match your specifications.


  1. Choose Campaign > Offers.
  2. Click Filter .

    The Advanced search dialog opens.

  3. Use the first drop-down list to select an offer attribute.
  4. Based on the type of attribute you selected, you can specify further conditions for searching.
    For example:
    • On the attribute "Cost Per Offer", search for values less than or equal to $10.00
    • On the attribute "Expiration Date", search for the exact date 11/30/2015
    • On the attribute "Description", search for specified values that do not contain the string "abc"
  5. If you want to specify another condition, click Add another condition then select either And or Or to combine the conditions. To remove a condition, click X. To reorder a condition, use the up or down arrow.
    Note: Depending on the operator(s) that you use in your query ( =, >, contains, begins with, and so on), you might be able to select multiple values or only a single value. In some cases when you choose multiple values with an operator, you create "OR" conditions. For example, if you create a query where "Color =" and select blue, red, and white as the colors, the query you create is "Color = blue OR color = red OR color = white."
  6. When you finish building your query, click Apply.

    The Search results page lists any offers that match your search criteria.