Testing user table access

After Unica Campaign is installed, administrators must confirm that Unica Campaign is configured properly to access the necessary user tables. You can also test user table access whenever you configure a new data source.

About this task

Follow the steps below to view the customer databases that Unica Campaign is set up to access.
Note: As an alternative to the steps below, you can open a flowchart for editing, click Settings > Campaign settings and select View datasource access. The Database sources dialog opens. This dialog lists the system table database and all configured customer databases. From this dialog, you can log in and out of customer databases.


  1. Select Settings > Campaign settings.
  2. Click Manage table mappings.
  3. In the Table Mappings dialog, click Show user tables.
    Initially, there are no mapped user tables and the list is empty.
  4. Click New table.
    The New Table Definition dialog opens.
  5. Click Next.

    You are prompted to map to a file or database.

  6. Map to existing table in selected database is selected by default. You should see one or more databases in the Select data source list. If no entries appear in the Select Data Source box after initial installation, you must create and configure data sources in Unica Campaign.
  7. If you are using flat files for user data, select Map to existing file, then click Next. The New Table Definition window now contains fields for the flat file and data dictionary location. Click Browse to locate the necessary files, or enter the relative path and file name. Files must be located under the partition root of Unica Campaign to be accessible.


If you have not already done so, you can now map the user tables into Unica Campaign.