Editing offers

You can edit an offer at any time, even if it has been used in a contact process, depending on your roles and permissions.

About this task

After an offer is used in production, you can edit only the offer name, description, and default values for parameterized offer attributes. This restriction ensures that Centralized Offer Management can track the exact offer details for offers that have already been made.

To edit offers, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Platform home page, select Offer > Offers.
    The All offers page appears.
  2. Select a folder or a sub-folder containing the offer.
  3. Hover the mouse pointer over a required offer and select > . If you cannot find the required offer, use the Offer global search feature to search for the offer.
  4. Make the necessary changes. For more information, see Creating offers.
    Note: You can add new parameterized attributes even when editing offers. For more information, see Adding attributes to existing offers.
  5. To save the modifications or changes, click Save.