Viewing offers and offer lists

After creating offers or offer lists, you can open the offers, or offer lists, to view the summary and analysis.

About this task

To view offers or offer lists, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Platform home page, select Offer > Offers.
    The All offers page appears.
  2. Select a folder or a sub-folder containing the offer or the offer list.
  3. To view an offer, complete the following steps:
    1. Click the required offer from the list. If you cannot find the required offer, use the Offer global search feature to search for the offer.
      The offer page appears. You can view the offer details in the Summary tab.
    2. To view the reports related to the offer, click the Analysis tab.
    3. To see the available reports, select one of the following choices from the Select a link dropdown box.
      • "What if" offer financial summary
        Note: The "What if" offer financial summary report is not supported for MariaDB.
      • Offer performance summary by Campaign
      • Offer performance by day
  4. To view an offer list, complete the following steps:
    1. On the All offers page, select Offer lists.
    2. Click the required offer list from the list. If you cannot find the required offer list, use the Offer list global search feature to search for the offer list.
      Note: If required, you can use predefined filters that shows only Smart offer lists and Static offer lists from the selected folder. To view only Smart offer lists, select Smart. To view only Static offer lists, select Static.
      The offer list page appears.