Setting the external server URL

There are times when a device needs to connect to a link sent by the server. For example, downloading client files, web page URLs, and Apple encrypted mail retrieval. To make sure that the server sends an appropriate link that the device can use, you must first set the External Server URL field on the HCL Traveler tab in the Server document.

Note: If you are using MobileIron and setting up HCL Traveler ToDo and HCL Traveler Companion, see this article for considerations on how to set the External URL setting.

This URL sets the HCL Traveler servlet URL as the URL through which to perform all HCL Traveler transactions and data synchronization. This value should be a URL that HCL Traveler users can always access, whether on an internal network or the internet, and should not change.

If there is a reverse proxy in use, the URL should be set using this reverse proxy name. If there is a DNS name or IP that is used to route external traffic to the HCL Traveler server from the internet, the URL should be set using this DNS name or IP address.

This field should specify the complete path to the Traveler servlet, including http:// or https://, any port numbers if non-default values are in use, and should end in /traveler.

The URL may be case-sensitive depending on the HTTP server. For example:
After making a change to the external server URL in the server document, restart the HCL Traveler task. The external server URL field will only be present if the server's address book is at the 8.5.2 template level or above. If the field is not present in the server document because the address book is on an older template version, the external server URL can be set in notes.ini with the parameter NTS_EXTERNAL_URL. For example:
If the proxy is not using the default :80 or :443 port, then the port number must be in the URL. For example:
If NTS_EXTERNAL_URL is added to or changed in notes.ini, restart the HCL Traveler task to make the change effective.
Note: The NTS_EXTERNAL_URL parameter in notes.ini will take precedence over the external server URL field in the Server document.
Note: If you are changing the external server URL with existing clients, it is possible to push out this configuration change to HCL Verse Android clients. For more informaiton, see Updating the client access URL using Traveler server (KB0039076).
If you configure server parameters in a JSON file for One-touch Domino setup, you can specify parameters which will set the External URL for Traveler in the server document:
	"appConfiguration": {
		"databases": [
				“filePath”: “names.nsf”,
				“action”: “update”,
				“documents”: [
						“action”: “update”,
						“findDocument”: {
							"Type”: “Server”,
							“ServerName”: “CN=servername/O=orgname”
						“items”: {
							“tsExternalURL”: “”

For this document editing to work, findDocument must resolve to exactly one document. Within it, ServerName must be in canonical format.