Unregistering a cluster of WebSphere-based servers on IBM i

With the node removed from the IBM® Sametime® server cluster, you can now unregister the cluster from the Sametime System Console. After you unregister the cluster, it can no longer be administered from the Sametime System Console, which also serves as the deployment manager.

Before you begin

Before you start this task, verify that you have removed all nodes from the cluster.

About this task

Removing a cluster involves running a utility that removes the cluster from the Sametime System Console.

These instructions apply to the following Sametime servers:
  • Proxy Server
  • Meeting Server
  • Gateway


  1. On the deployment manager, update the console.properties file.
    1. Navigate to the following directory:
      • Proxy Server: /QIBM/UserData/InstallLocation/stii/STPROXY/STPROXY_date_time/console

        where the date and time indicate when the Proxy Server was installed.

      • Meeting Server: /QIBM/UserData/InstallLocation/stii/STMeetings/STMEETINGS_date_time/console

        where the date and time indicate when the Meeting Server was installed.

      • Gateway: /qibm/userdata/STGateway/ProfileName
        where ProfileName is the profile for the deployment manager.
        Attention: The Gateway cluster's Primary Node is installed on the same computer, so be sure to use the deployment manager profile.
    2. Open the console.properties file for editing.
    3. Fill in values for the following settings:
      Table 1. console.properties settings
      Property Value
      SSCHostName Type the fully qualified host name of the Sametime System Console server.
      SSCHTTPPort Type the HTTP port used for the Sametime System Console server if SSL is not enabled and the value for SSCSSLEnabled is "false."

      To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Sametime System Console Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port." The default profile name is STSCAppProfile.

      SSCUserName Type the IBM WebSphere® Application Server User ID that you created when you installed Sametime System Console. The default is wasadmin.
      SSCPassword Type the IBM WebSphere Application Server password associated with the SSCUserName.
    4. Save and close the file.
  2. Now run the removeWASClusterRegistration.sh utility to unregister the cluster:
    1. From an IBM i command line, run the following command to start the QShell Interpreter: QSH
    2. Run the cd shell command, specifying the fully qualified path to the console directory you used in Step 2.
    3. Run the following shell command: removeWASClusterRegistration.sh
    4. When prompted by the utility, enter the name of the cluster from which you are removing the node, and press Enter.

      The utility deletes the cluster and generates a log file called ConsoleUtility.log, which it stores in the console/log directory.

    5. Press F3 to exit QSH.